……by Ben Ndubuwa….
The Country Communication Manager of Totalenergies, Dr. Charles Ebereonwu has emphasized that the company is focus on more energy and less emission and also the only International Oil Company (IOC) that is active in all the value chains of energy in Nigeria.
Speaking recently at a webinar event organised by Petroleum Training Institute (PTI) Dr. Ebereonwu pointed out that Totalenergies showcases its presence in upstream, midstream and downstream. Adding that the overriding slogan and strategy of the company is more energy, less emission.
This he said, is in consonance with the global transition to renewables.
“We’re the first in Nigeria to incorporate the new strategy into our name by moving from Total to TotalEnergies, hence the company will be producing more strata of the energy chain instead of fossils alone. We’re not stopping fossils but we are increasing from fossil to solar, wind, biomass and all other aspects of renewable energy including electricity and other value chain” Ebereonwu said.
Dr. Ebereonwu revealed that TotalEnergies in Nigeria is the only IOC that is still active in the downstream. The company has service stations everywhere in Nigeria. To show its commitment to renewables, out of 540 service stations of TotaEnergies, more than 254 of them today operate fully on solar.
In addition, at the EP level, TotalEnergies has done so much in that aspect and recently incorporated a third affiliate in Nigeria and fully dedicated to renewables which is known as TotalEnergies GRP Ltd under the supervision of a Nigerian as Managing Director.