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Oando TAP Initiative Marks 2nd Anniversary

The Aggregator Platform (TAP), a unique initiative conceived and powered by the employees of Oando PLC (also known as the #HumansofOando), Africa’s leading indigenous energy solutions provider, commemorated its second anniversary on Wednesday, April 27, 2022.

TAP was created at the height of COVID-19 in April 2020, as a short-term intervention to alleviate the rising rate of hunger aggravated by the pandemic in Nigeria. The employees of Oando identified that despite the financial contributions and efforts made by the public and private sector as well as Non-Governmental Agencies (NGOs) in feeding the less privileged there is still a huge gap between those who are in dire need and those who are eventually reached and fed.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic made it glaringly obvious to all, that the poverty crisis cannot be solved by the Nigerian Government alone. Despite the social palliatives given out by the Government at the time, food relief materials provided by NGOs and financial contributions from private sector players there was still a significant gap in terms of unmet needs. For the employees of Oando, COVID-19 brought home the realization that every single individual who has the means, must play an active role in alleviating poverty in Nigeria. Through TAP the #HumansOfOando aim to rally well-meaning individuals both locally and internationally as well as more corporates to make this a nationwide cause.

Today, two years since its inception, TAP has successfully raised over N61million and with the support of 11 Implementing Partners has positively impacted 36,375 individuals in 7,272 households across 30 communities in Lagos.

Key Highlights in the Past Year:

Feed to Empower: In the past year, TAP has evolved from a short-term feeding programme to include empowerment through its Feed to Empower initiative. The goal, to transition the most vulnerable amongst us from a place of need to one where they can provide for themselves. Through its Implementing Partners, HUFFPED & JAKINS, and over a 6-month period, TAP ensured that those undergoing empowerment training as well as their family never went a day without food.
Partnership with DashMe Foundation: TAP collaborated with DashMe Foundation, a charity that resells fairly used items donated by well-meaning individuals and organizations. Through the resell of fairly used items donated by the HumansOfOando DashMe Foundation was able to raise the sum of N1,000,000 which contributed to one of TAP’s Feed to Empower initiatives.
Partnership with Gladys Bamiro (GB) Foundation: In partnership with TAP, GB Foundation leveraged TAP’s feeding outreach in Orile-Iganmu, Lagos State on December 1, 2021, to identify children with educational needs whose cases have been duly verified in a wholly online platform that guarantees ease and access for people who are willing to support these vulnerable population. Four children were identified in the outreach and today, they have been assigned to sponsors to cover their educational needs.
To mark its 2nd Anniversary, the #HuamsnofOando went beyond financing the feeding program to actively participating in a food drive. They participated as volunteers in an outreach to distribute food relief to underprivileged families in Ilasan Community, Lekki, on April 30, in partnership with the charity Abraham’s Tent.

Commenting on the anniversary outreach, an Oando Employee, Ibukun Opeodu, Investor Relations Manager, Oando PLC said: “In a world of abundant wealth and resources, where enough food is produced to feed everyone on the planet, it is unacceptable that millions of people continue to suffer from hunger. Right now, Nigeria is the poverty capital of the world. Coupled with the inflation and hunger rate in the country, people are facing severe food insecurity and looming famine. Hence, actively participating in TAP was a no-brainer for me when the initiative was birthed. I’m proud of all the Humans of Oando for driving this initiative into its second year and I look forward to celebrating even more years of impacting lives. The hope is that other well-meaning Nigerians take a cue from this initiative and together we can end hunger.”

Dayo Ali, Events, Branding & Sponsorship Analyst, Oando and TAP Volunteer said; “I commend the Humans of Oando for sustaining this initiative thus far, especially in a challenging environment like ours. This initiative couldn’t have come at a better time (during the COVID-19 pandemic) and I’m glad to have been a part of it. In addition to donating, I am glad I got to experience the feeding outreach on April 30.

“We all desire a peaceful and prosperous country. However, this cannot be achieved when more than half the population are hungry. I don’t take my privilege for granted, and I’m paying it forward through TAP. My message to everyone today is a quote from Mother Theresa. She said I never look at the masses as my responsibility. I look at the individual. I can love only one person at a time. I can feed only one person at a time. Just one, one, one.”

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