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How LADOL Overcame 2020 Challenges, Renewed ISO Certifications

Lagos Deep Offshore Logistic Base, LADOL has proven it is still one of the top performing and compliant companies in Nigeria, as it overcame the 2020 challenges and renewed its International Organisation Standardisation, ISO 45001:2018, 14001:2015 and 9001 certifications.

In 2018 LADOL became the first company in West and North Africa to be 45001 and 14001 certified. The rapid adaptions, hard work, perseverance, and high compliance levels in were given glowing reviews when the company was re-certified this year. These certifications reflect 20 years of continuous improvement and development by LADOL. The staff and management have long believed that embedding best practice and strong policies and procedures into the organisation’s DNA are is one of the key ingredients for its success.

Continuous improvement in its Management Systems for Quality, Occupational Health and Safety and Environment Management enables the organization to meet and beat international best practices.

ISO 9001 is a quality standard, ISO 45001:2018 is for Occupational Health and Safety, while 14001:2015 is for Environment Management Systems.

The framework for LADOL’s management system is very much driven by the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which is reflected in all the goals, assessments, policies, and procedures of LADOL.

The Managing Director of LADOL, Amy Jadesimi was part of the audit close out meeting along with several members of the staff and management.

Jadesimi in her closing statements said: “I couldn’t be prouder to have the privileged of leading the LADOL team. 2020 has been a tough year, but throughout our staff have shown dedication and an impressive work ethic. We have all worked unbelievably hard, but even as the struggle continues we remain strong and undeterred because we know we have the knowledge, ability, and tools to keep pushing through and exceeding local and global expectations.

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