Eni has discovered oil on the Baleine prospect in block CI-101 offshore Ivory Coast.The drillship Saipem 10000 drilled the Baleine-1x well in 1,200 m (3,937 ft) of water and about 60 km (37 mi) offshore. It reached a total depth of 3,445 m (11,302 ft) in 30 days.
Baleine-1x discovered light oil (40° API) in two different stratigraphic levels. Intelligent wireline formation testing and fluid sampling proved the presence of light oil bearing intervals of Santonian and Cenomanian / Albian age. The lower Cenomanian / Albian level shows discrete to good reservoir characteristics and has been successfully tested to production.
The Baleine-1x well has successfully tested a new play concept in the sedimentary basin in Ivory Coast, the company said.
An appraisal program will be carried out to assess the upside potential of the overall structure that extends into the Eni-operated block CI-802.
Eni and partner Petroci Holding will also start studies for a fast-track development of the Baleine discovery. Preliminary estimates suggest between 1.5 and 2.0 Bbbl of oil in place and between 1.8 and 2.4 tcf of associated gas.
Eni operates and holds 90% interest in block CI-101. Petroci Holding holds the remaining 10%.
Baleine-1x is the first exploration well drilled by Eni in Ivory Coast. It is also the country’s first deepwater commercial discovery in more than 20 years, according to the company.