Delta Corporation (DC). Delta has endorse a partnership with PEGIS Global Services Limited. Delta Corporation is a leading manufacturer of Wellhead and its related accessories, valves, actuator and flow control products with headquarters in Houston, Texas in United States of America. DC is the only state of the art innovative, smart manufacturing facility in the world with over 40 years of successful track record. Delta Corporation products are duly certified in all cadres by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the International Safety Organization (ISO).
This partnership gives authority to PEGIS Global Services Limited as her representative for wellheads and their accessories, valves, actuators, flow control products and other related services in Nigeria. This partnership is a giant stride driven by the Management of PEGIS GLOBAL SERVICES LIMITED geared towards promoting the local content development of Wellhead Activities in Nigeria.
In 2019, PEGIS Global Services Limited team visited Delta Corporation’s state of the art facility in Doha, Qatar after an official invitation from Delta Corporation. What we have today is the outcome of several surveys, presentations, discussions and inspections by Delta Corporation on the competence of PEGIS GLOBAL SERVICES LIMITED before being awarded as her first and only representative covering the Nigerian oil and Gas industry. PEGIS Global Services Limited has clearly shown great initiatives and capability in wellhead activities to attain this feat. Hence, the Managing Director and entire Management of PEGIS GLOBAL Services Limited are glad to be associated with Delta Corporation and calls on the Nigerian Oil and Gas community to look forward to a new revolution of Smart, innovative, reliable and affordable Wellhead Products and Services in Nigeria.