Home » OIL » PMS Truck Out Hits 80.23 Million Litres Daily – PPPRA

PMS Truck Out Hits 80.23 Million Litres Daily – PPPRA

The truck out of premium motor spirit, petrol, stood at 80.23 million litres as at April, 8, 2021, the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency, PPPRA, has reported.

The latest PMS truck out data posted on its official website showed that the truck out came from 54 depots across the country.

According to the report, Lagos State received most supply with 296 trucks amounting to 10.95 million litres. Kano State was next with 169 truck carrying 7.95 litres of petrol.

Niger, Oyo and Ogun received 106, 103, and 94 trucks with 4.65 million, 3.99 million and 3.86 million litres respectively.

The report showed that Jigawa State received no trucks while Nasarawa, Bayelsa and Ebonyi states received 7, 7 and 10 trucks with 294,007, 305,000 and 466,000 litres of petrol respectively.

The PPPRA report also showed that AITEO with 100 truck-out and 4.63 million litres of petrol was the most active depot. It was followed by Matrix which had 122 truckout carrying 5.35 million litres of petrol.

AA Rano, PPMC Mosimi, and Prudent depots trucked out 97, 86 and 70 with 4.46 million, 3.34 million and 2.67 million litres of petrol respectively.

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